Paper Internazionali
- Fiorenza, E., Gazzillo, F., Mannocchi, C., Santodoro, M., Di Filippo, C., & Crisafulli, V. (2024). Chronic couple conflictuality according to control-mastery theory.. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
- Gazzillo F., Kealy D., Fiorenza E., Rodini M.,(2024) Passing tests and using one’s attitude to help patients overcome their pathogenic feelings of guilt and shame Journal of Clinical Psychology
- Gazzillo F., Rodini M., Piscopiello G., Angrisani S. (2024) Notes on some non-psychotic hypochondriacal states, International Forum of Psychoanalysis
- Gazzillo, F., Mannocchi, C., Curtis, J., Biuso, G. S., De Luca, E., Fimiani, R., Fiorenza, E., Genova, F., La Stella, M., Leonardi, J., Rodomonti, M., & Silberschatz, G. (2024) Passing patients’ tests and following patients’ coaching communications in psychotherapy: an empirical study. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1–27.
- Leonardi, J. Psy.D., Gazzillo, F. Ph.D., Gorman, B. Ph.D., Bush,M. Ph.D.(2023) Assessing Burdening Guilt and Its Correlates Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 51(4), 479–499
- Kealy,D. & Gazzillo, F. (2023) Testing and treatment‐by‐attitude in psychotherapy for pathological narcissism: A clinical illustration Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1–14
- Fiorenza E., Crisafulli V., Carpentieri R., De Luca E., Di Filippo C., La Stella M., Leonardi J., Mannocchi C., Rodomonti M., Rosi L., Santodoro M., Gazzillo F. (2023) Vicious Relational Circles and Chronic Couple Conflictuality: An Empirical Study – Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy
- Fimiani R., Gazzillo F., Gorman B., Leonardi J., Biuso G.S., Rodomonti M., Mannocchi C., Genova F. (2022) The therapeutic effects of the therapists’ ability to pass their patients’ tests in psychotherapy. InSociety for Psychotherapy Research
- Gazzillo F., (2022) “Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Pathogenic Beliefs: Theory and Clinical Implications”. In Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy
- Gazzillo F., Bush M., Kealy D., (2022) The Plan Formulation Method from Control Mastery Theory and Management of Countertransference. In Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 50(4), 639–658,
- Gazzilo F., Curtis J., Silberschatz G, (2022) The plan formulation method: An empirically validated and clinically useful procedure applied to a clinical case of a patient with a severe personality disorder. In Session del Journal of Clinical Psychology pp.1-13
- Gazzillo F., Kealy D., Bush M (2022). Patients’ Tests and Clinicians’ Emotions: A Clinical Illustration. In Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy Vol. 52 Issue 1, March 2022, pp. 1-10
- Leonardi J., Gazzillo F., Gorman B.S., Kealy D., (2022). Understanding interpersonal guilt Associations with attachment altruism. In Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, July 2022, pp. 1-8
- Leonardi, J., Gazzillo, F., Gorman, B. S. & Kealy, D. (2022) 4 Forms of Guilt and How They Can Affect Your Relationship – Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63, 573–580
- Rodomonti M., Crisafulli V., Angrisani S., De Luca E., Mazzoni S., Gazzillo F. (2022) Description and First Steps Toward the Empirical Validation of the Plan Formulation Method for Couples. In Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy Vol. 52 Issue 1, March 2022, pp. 1-10
- De Luca E., Abate G., Gazzillo F., Curtis J., (2021) The Plan Formulation Method for Adolescents (PFM A): Personalizing Psychotherapy for Adolescents. In Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, pp. 1-21
- De Luca E., Faccini F., Mellone V., Gorman B., Bush M., D. (2021). Assessing Guilt in Adolescents According to Control-Mastery Theory: Preliminary Validation Data for the Interpersonal Guilt Rating Scale-15 for Adolescents (IGRS-15-ad). In Psychology Hub,Vol 38, No 1, pp.6-11
- Fimiani R., Gazzillo F., Dazzi N., Bush Marshall (2021) Survivor guilt: Theoretical, empirical, and clinical features. In International Forum of Psychoanalysis Vol. 30 Issue 2 pp. 1-16
- Fimiani R., Leonardi J., Gorman B., Gazzillo F., (2021) Interpersonal guilt, impostor phenomenon, depression, and anxiety. In Psychology Hub,Vol 38, No 2, pp.31-40
- Leonardi J., Gazzillo F., D. (2021). The adaptive unconscious in Psychoanalysis. In International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 30, pp. 1-18
- Rodomonti, M., Fedeli, F., De Luca, E., Gazzillo, F., & Bush, M. (2021). The adaptive function of fantasy: A proposal from the perspective of control-mastery theory. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, 38(1), 1–11
- Rodomonti M., Fiorenza E., Gazzillo F., Dazzi N., (2021) Progress in Psychotherapy: The Perspective of Control-Mastery Theory. In Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 49 Issue 1, pp. 131-159
- Faccini F., Gazzillo F., Gorman B.S., (2020). Guilt, Shame, Empathy, Self-Esteem, and Traumas: New Data for the Validation of the Interpersonal Guilt Rating Scale–15 Self-Report (IGRS-15s). In Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 48 (1) pp. 79-100
- Fimiani R., Gazzillo F., Fiorenza E., Rodomonti R., Silberschatz G, (2020) Traumas and Their Consequences According to Control-Mastery Theory Psychodynamic. In Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 48(2), pp. 113–139
- Gazzillo, F., Dazzi, N., Kealy, D., & Cuomo, R. (2020). Personalizing psychotherapy for personality disorders: Perspectives from control-mastery theory. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, pp. 1-10
- Gazzillo, F., Dazzi, N., De Luca, E., Rodomonti, M., Silberschatz, G. (2020). Attachment disorganization and severe psychopathology: A possible dialogue between attachment theory and control-mastery theory. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, 37(3), 173–184
- Gazzillo, F., Fimiani, R., De Luca, E., Dazzi, N., Curtis, J. T., Bush, M. (2020). New developments in understanding morality: Between evolutionary psychology, developmental psychology, and control-mastery theory. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, 37(1), 37–49
- Gazzillo, F., Leonardi, J., & Bush, M. (2020). Pathological worry and rumination according to control-mastery theory. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, pp. 1-12
- Gazzillo, F., Silberschatz, G., Fimiani, R., De Luca, E.,Bush, M. (2020). Dreaming and adaptation: The perspective of control-mastery theory. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, 37(3), 185–19
- Kealy D., Gazzillo F.,Silberschatz G., Curtis J., (2020) “Plan-compatible termination in psychotherapy: Perspectives from control-mastery theory”. In Psychotherapy, Vol. 57 (4),pp. 508–514
- Leonardi J., Fimiani R., Faccini F., Gorman B.S., Bush M., Gazzillo F., D. (2020). An Empirical Investigation into Pathological Worry and Rumination: Guilt, Shame, Depression, and Anxiety. In Psychology Hub, XXXVII, 3, pp. 31-42
- Rodomonti, M., Crisafulli, V., Mazzoni, S., Curtis, J. T., Gazzillo, F. (2020). The plan formulation method for couples. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, 37(3), 199–206
- Gazzillo F., De Luca E., Rodomonti M., Fimiani R., (2019). Through Flow and Swirls: Modifying Implicit Relational Knowledge and Disconfirming Pathogenic Beliefs Within the Therapeutic Process. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, pp. 1-13
- Gazzillo F., Dimaggio G., Curtis J.T., D. (2019). Case Formulation and Treatment Planning: How to Take Care of Relationship and Symptoms Together. In Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, pp. 1-13
- Gazzillo, F., Genova, F., Fedeli, F., Curtis, J. T., Silberschatz, G., Bush, M., Dazzi, N. (2019). Patients’ unconscious testing activity in psychotherapy: A theoretical and empirical overview. In Psychoanalytic Psychology, 36(2), 173–183
- Gazzillo F., Gorman B.S., Bush M., Silberschatz G., Mazza C., Faccini F., Crisafulli V., Alesiani R., De Luca E., (2017) Reliability and Validity of the Interpersonal Guilt Rating Scale-15: A New Clinician-Reporting Tool for Assessing Interpersonal Guilt According to Control-Mastery Theory. In Psychodynamic Psychiatry Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 362–384