

Passing patients’ tests and following patients’ coaching communications in psychotherapy: an empirical study

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Francesco Gazzillo, Camilla Mannocchi, John Curtis, Giuseppe Stefano Biuso, Emma De Luca, Ramona Fimiani, Eleonora Fiorenza, Federica Genova, Michela La Stella, Jessica Leonardi, Martina Rodomonti & George Silberschatz To cite this article: Francesco Gazzillo, Camilla Mannocchi, John Curtis, Giuseppe Stefano Biuso, Emma De Luca, Ramona Fimiani, Eleonora Fiorenza, Federica Genova,…

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Su alcuni “amori” irrinunciabili

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Su alcuni “amori” irrinunciabili Francesco Gazzillo & Sveva Angrisani Il fenomeno clinico su cui vorremmo attirare la vostra attenzione, e che vorremmo approfondire con il tempo, potrebbe essere descritto così: ci sono alcune persone che frappongono tra sé e l’oggetto di cui si innamorano quella che vorremmo descrivere come una…

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I test nell’ottica della Control-Mastery Theory

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di Alessandro Carbocci Secondo la Control Mastery Theory (CMT; Weiss, 1999; Gazzillo, 2016; Gazzillo et al., 2023), le persone hanno come motivazione primaria quella di adattarsi al meglio alla realtà in cui vivono, padroneggiando i propri problemi e controllando, in parte, le proprie funzioni e capacità mentali sia consce che…

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Assessing Burdening Guilt and Its Correlates

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Jessica Leonardi, Psy.D., Francesco Gazzillo, Ph.D., Bernard Gorman, Ph.D., and Marshall Bush, Ph.D. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 51(4), 479–499, 2023© 2023 The American Academy of Psychodynamic Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis Abstract Burdening guilt refers to the belief that one’s emotions, needs, and ways of being are a burden to others, and is…

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Testing and treatment‐by‐attitude in psychotherapy for pathological narcissism: A clinical illustration

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David Kealy – Francesco Gazzillo ABSTRACT – Il narcisismo patologico è una costellazione di personalità che comprende un’immagine di sé distorta, una autostima disadatta e difficoltà nelle relazioni intime. I pazienti con narcisismo patologico elevato possono non soddisfare necessariamente i criteri per il disturbo narcisistico di personalità e possono cercare…

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Vicious Relational Circles and Chronic Couple Conflictuality: An Empirical Study

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Fiorenza Eleonora · Crisafulli Valeria · Carpentieri Renato · Emma De Luca · Clarissa Di Filippo · Michela La Stella · Leonardi Jessica · Mannocchi Camilla · Rodomonti Martina · Rosi Laura · Santodoro Marianna · Gazzillo Francesco Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy Abstract The study aims to empirically assess the control-mastery theory hypothesis that considers chronic couple conflictuality as the…

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4 Forms of Guilt and How They Can Affect Your Relationship – Psychology Today

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da Psycology Today la recensione di un articolo della nostra Jessica Leonardi (Leonardi, J., Gazzillo, F., Gorman, B. S. & Kealy, D. (2022). Understanding interpersonal guilt: Associations with attachment, altruism, and personality pathology. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63, 573–580. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12854) Il desiderio di aiutare l’individuo a cui ti senti…

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“The therapeutic effects of the therapists’ ability to pass their patients’ tests in psychotherapy” di Ramona Fimiani et al.

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According to Control-Mastery Theory (CMT)—a cognitive-dynamic relational theory of mental functioning, psychopathology, and psychotherapy—patients come to therapy with an unconscious plan to disprove their pathogenic beliefs and achieve adaptive goals. One of the primary ways patients work to disconfirm their pathogenic beliefs is by testing them within the therapeutic relationship….

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