Control-Mastery Theory as an Integrative Theory of Psychotherapy 2024

Control-Mastery Theory as an Integrative Theory of Psychotherapy

Convegno Internazionale

27-28-29 settembre 2024




Venerdì 27 Settembre 15-19

1) George Silberschatz: Control-Mastery Theory: A framework for tailoring psychotherapy to the patient. 15-15:45

2) Francesco Gazzillo: Higher unconscious mental functioning, adaptation, safety and prosociality: the core of CMT 16-16:45


3) Chiara Fante: Control-Mastery Theory e motivational system theories 17-17:45

4) David Kealy: Control-Mastery Theory and identity: development and intervention 18-18:45

Discussant: Alberto Siracusano 


Sabato 28 Settembre 10-13

5) Federica Genova and Giuseppe Biuso: Control-Mastery Theory and brief psychotherapies 10-10:45

6) John Curtis: Treatment by attitude 11-11:45

7) Martina Rodomonti and Eleonora Fiorenza: The Plan Formulation Method for Couples and the concept of vitious and virtuous relational circles 12-12:45

Discussant: Silvia Mazzoni


Sabato 28 Settembre 15-19

8) Trevor Ahrendt: Mind, Body, Spirit, Plan — Integrating Spirituality Into Control-Mastery Theory 15-15:30

9) James McCollum: Imagination play and testing in child therapy 15:45-16:15

10) Valeria Crisafulli: Parent training from a CMT perspective 16:30-17:00

10) Emma De Luca: Control-Mastery Theory and adolescent psychotherapy 17:15-17:45

11) Roberta Alesiani and Martina Calabrò: CMT and the treatment of severe personality disorders 18-18:45

Discussant: Renata Tambelli e Cinzia Niolu


Domenica 29 Settembre 10-13

12) Emanuele Bruno and Pierre Rossini: Psychotraumatology and Control-Mastery Theory: A possible integration 10-10:45

13) Sveva Angrisani and Giorgia Giusti: The management of patients followed by the social services 11-11:45

14) Marta Rodini, Chiara Sambroia, Eleonora Ricci, Federica Buonfantino, Francesca Fotia: On becoming a Control-Mastery therapist 12-12:45

Discussant: Rosario Capo



Gran Hotel Palatino

Via Cavour 213/M

00187 – Roma



250,00€ Soci CMT

120,00€ Studenti e Specializzandi

(i costi includono i coffe break e la cena sociale)

Info e Iscrizioni:

NB Iscrizioni possibili fino al 15 settembre o a esaurimento posti

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Causale: Inscrizione convegno CMT 2024 studente/socio/altro professionista.

Banca Intesa San Paolo – Roma ( Codice IBAN: IT27 E030 6903 2341 0000 0005 433)



Scarica qui la scheda i iscrizione: MODULO_DI_ISCRIZIONE_Convegno_CMT_2024

Scarica qui il programma in PDF: Brochure Convegno CMT 2024 con programma

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